This semester, we're taking the program to you! Learn about tips to becoming accustomed to college life!
Tabling: 1/27/25 from Noon-2:00PM in the MLK Jr Student Union
Introduction to Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a non-judgmental practice that involves being aware of your mind, body, and surroundings. This presentation will teach you the history of mindfulness and a few skills to get you started in your practice!
Single Sessions: Mindful U 3/3 from 5:00-6:00 PM in the MLK Jr Student Union Effingham Room.
4 week session starting on 3/27/25 @ 5 PM in the MLK Jr Student Union's Effingham Room. Sign up below!
*Sessions will continue at the same time and location on Apr 3rd, Apr 10th, and Apr 17th
We must prioritize ourselves and continuously take care of our well-being throughout the school year! This fun session provides tips, tricks, and activities that allow us to find what's best for our personal self care.
Open Session: 1/30/25 @ 4 PM in MLK Jr Student Union's Effingham Room
Open Session: 2/17/25 @ 5 PM in MLK Jr Student Union's Effingham Room
Open Session: 4/28/25 @ 5 PM in MLK Jr Student Union's Effingham Room
Sex is Like Pizza. Join us for a fun and interactive presentation about sexuality and consent. This is not your high school health class! Students can expect to have an actual conversation about sex: honestly, openly, and authentically.
Open Session: 3/13/25 @ 5 PM in Ford Hall
SPECIAL EDITION!: 2/13/25 @ 5:30 PM ate Klehm Hall Room 2309. Join us for Sex is Like Pizza then learn cooking skills with our Nutrition Coordinator. The best part is you get to eat what you cook for free! Sign ups coming soon!
Stress Management. Don't stop stressing! Stress is a part of our everyday lives. Come learn skills and strategies to help you manage your stress levels. We'll chat about time management, self-care, mindfulness, and much more!
Open Session: 2/3/25 @ 4 PM in MLK Jr Student Union's Arcola/Tuscola Room
Open Session: 3/31/25 @ 5 PM in Taylor Hall
Open Session: 4/17/25 @ 4 PM in Lawson
Retrain your Brain is a 4-week curriculum that offers a careful selection of evidence-based exercises to build coping skills and promote thriving. The ReST philosophy is that there are many routes to achieving greater resiliency.
Fill out this form to sign up:
First Session Date Time Location
2/3 6:00 MLK Jr. Student Union's Arcola/Tuscola Room
Second Session Date Time Location
2/10 6:00 MLK Jr. Student Union's Arcola/Tuscola Room
Third Session Date Time Location
2/17 6:00 MLK Jr. Student Union's Arcola/Tuscola Room
Fourth Session Date Time Location
2/24 6:00 MLK Jr. Student Union's Arcola/Tuscola Room
Request a Presentation!
If you are interested in a presentation/program in one of these topics:• Homesickness• Sex is Like Pizza• Stress Management• Self-care• Mindfulness University
Fill out a presentation request form:
Throughout the semester I will also be around campus hosting tabling events and fun programs. Stop by and check out these exciting events!
- Self-Care Corner (always from Noon-2 PM unless otherwise stated)
- Random Acts of Kindness
- Additional Tabling
Happiness Hacks -
Beginners Guide to Sun Salutations -
5 Stretches to "Un-desk" your Body -
10-minute AM Yoga Practice -
5 Bedtime Yoga Poses to Relax -
Want to learn more about your mental health? Check out these resources:
Find a variety of on and off campus resources, make an appointment with our counselors, and learn mental health info.
Project Semicolon: Your Life Matters!
Follow this link for information on suicide prevention, mental disorders, and ways to be a mental health advocate.
Celebrities talk about how to have hard conversations with friends.
2201 Blair Hall
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
8am – 4:30 pm
8am – 4:30 Monday – Thursday, 8am – 12pm Friday